How it works

pay with a single secure Account

Register once and take it with you everywhere you go.


Create an account and start shopping today!

It's easy to set up your Masterpass™ account in four simple steps online. Since you're here, why not sign up now?

Ready to sign up for Masterpass?
Step 1: Click or tap "sign up" 
Online or in the app—easy enough so far, right?
Step 2: Enter your email or mobile number
This information helps us find the right Masterpass for you.
Step 3: Enter your card information 
Load your Masterpass with the primary card you want to use to create your account. Don't worry—it's easy to change preferred payment methods on the fly.
Step 4: Input your billing address and create a password
Make sure it's a strong password with both letters and numbers.
That's it—you've created your Masterpass and discovered a truly modern way to pay. Start shopping today with your favorite retailers !